Saturday 22 April 2017

Revelation 13

There is no one like our God. No one can match His power or majesty. There are many who try to counterfeit and lead people to believe there are many gods or other equally acceptable paths, showing signs and wonders to prove their point. They will all be proven false. The revelation of God to us is that His Word will stand, and His truth will endure. We must hold fast to our confession and follow after His ways, no matter what the pressure of the world around us is. This section of Revelation sets forth "the beast", drawing our thoughts back to Daniel's prophecies of ancient times. This false messiah will draw many, but the faithful will remain true to Jesus. Our allegiance is to Him and Him alone.

Friday 7 April 2017

Revelation 12, part 2

The victorious position of God's people is highlighted through the signs John saw in the heavens. We saw the woman, the Child, and the dragon. Now we see both God's protection of the woman and the dragon's true (frustrated) impotence. God alone has the power and authority to do as He pleases, and even the adversary himself is at the command of the Lord God Almighty. Though the devil may accuse, God has given us means to overcome and be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. This is exciting, inspiring truth. When do all these things of Revelation 12 happen? The chapter doesn’t tell us. Therefore it must not be important for us to know the "when"; God wants us to know the "who" (Him), the "what" (victory) and the "how".

Sunday 2 April 2017

Revelation 12, part 1

This chapter is about the wonder in the heavens that John saw; a sort of ancient animated action drama on the ultimate IMAX screen, that of the sky itself. What are all these components to what Jesus showed him? There are so many views, but really the ultimate message is quite clear. We will be examining this chapter over two weeks. Come celebrate the victorious God we serve as we move into the second half of the book of Revelation.